It is important to seek care promptly for any injuries and symptoms immediately after an accident. It may be a difficult decision to choose the right form of care to address your pain and discomfort. But it is an important decision to make in order to keep current injuries from becoming chronic. The good news is that you have choices. Depending on the type of injury, Chiropractic, Massage, Physical Therapy and Acupuncture are the most commonly used treatment modalities. It is common for patients to combine different modalities for faster results and to be able to address different aspects of an injury.
How Acupuncture can help:
Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine has the ability to successfully aid in the healing of soft-tissue injuries, relaxing the muscles, relieving painful symptoms, helping your body regain its natural balance and vitality as well as alleviating any stress and anxiety.
Chinese Medical Theory- a fundamental statement from Chinese Medical Theory states, “If there is free-flow", there is no pain; if there is no free-flow, there is pain. Based on this theory, facilitating the circulation and flow of the blood and Qi (pronounced “chee”) will eliminate pain and restore balance.
According to Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine, Qi is the life or the vital energy that animates and strengthens the body. Qi flows through pathways called meridians and pushes blood to all of the body’s organs, tissues, muscles and tendons to provide nourishment so they can function optimally and respond to the normal wear and tear.
In an accident, you may experience physical trauma that disrupts and restricts the flow of Qi and blood leading to pain, stiffness and a host of other problems.
Acupuncture activates your body’s self-healing and self-regulating capacities, helping to bring greater circulation to the area that is being treated and functions like a magnet for improved blood flow. Through Acupuncture, a consistent flow of blood is restored, returning the muscle to a normal state of relaxation, flexibility and reduced pain.